No Facebook Day

Today was the "No Facebook day" started in 2006.
And this year, it was on the 28th of February! On this day, Facebook users are asked to not use the famous social website. 
It is also a way to remember that Facebook is nothing without its users and that, as a matter of fact, all the issues coming from it are not the responsability of the network. 
Even famous people encourage facebook users to be very careful about the lack of private life coming from it. You ave to know, for example, that every picture that you post on facebook is saved on their server, even when you delete them from your profile. 
With more than 300 millions users, recent reports state that about 600 000 accounts are being hacked everyday. 
Facebook, which is about to be associated with mobile operators, is currently on trial as they are accused to be spying on their mobile users. 
Celebrities are even talking about it, as some of them met issues using it or are being faked. 
RTL asked some celebrities about Facebook, their use or their opinion about it. This way, you learn that Blake Lively doesn't have an account,  and that George Clooney stated he would rather have a  intimate surgery than using Facebook. 
As they are being already over-exposed in their everyday life, most of public people do not use Facebook, having hard time perserving their private lives. 

But, after the non facebook day, The Core invites you to get connected and check all those things that you wish you did not see: 
-The VERY private life of old friends you added and then forgot. ("had a wonderful night with my man doing ..." or "I have to say to THIS person that it is such a bad thing she said that because now I WILL STRIKE BACK")
-Grammar mistakes every two words for a status talking about how your friend is happy that he/she *private life sharing* 
-Stupid facebook pages or groups that you like so that your friends, family and pro relations see it ("For the ones who are always drunk before the others" "I love sex" "I believe this pickle can have more fans than Justin Bieber") 
-Wall spaming with your old friend's sexy photo (that are not that sexy). 
-Useless status ("Some people should know better before saying some tings that are triggering some actions" "I'm leaving Facebook!" "I am writing because I don't know what to do" "Inside joke with darling love love heart heart")
-People using their wall as private emails ("@John if you could pass by and give me my DVD's back please!"  , and then John answering, obivously.) 
-Some wasted minds liking their own status... 

The Award Winning page is , obviously, the "non facebook day" group, On Facebook. 


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