Let's have some culture

Hey cheekies! 

It's been a while. The time for me to take the plane to the USA, rest a bit and I'm back! 
I'm now at my sister's 

I landed in Dallas where I as lucky enough to see two museums, a good mix between french and american culture! 

Morning, and after a wonderful breakfast at Ihop, we went to Dallas Museum of Arts where there was a... Jean Paul Gaultier Exhibition "From the Sidewalk to the Catwalk". 

As you enter the exhibition, you could see the first room "mermaid" theme. Earing Jean Paul Gaultier talking about the way he sees Fashion and Women. In this room, you could see the dress worn by Marion Cotillard at the Oscars, and the dress worn by Kylie Minogue for Miles Aldridge "Virgin with Serpents" picture. 
Then you could see the "boudoir" room with many of the corsets Jean Paul Gaultier created ...

You could also see the Cinema Room, with creations and sketches made by JPG for movies like The Fifth Element. 
The Exhibition ended on the cultural creation, inspired by other continents like Africa and Asia. 
In finally got into the museum store to buy my little American Apparel Tshirt "Jean Paul Gaultier". 

Afternoon was the american culture time. We visited the Sixth Floor Museum, set up where the murderer of President Kennedy were standing when he shot him. This makes a very dramatic and heavy  ambiance. You could see the murder history from the moment it happened (you could look from the window and actually see where it happened) and follow all the investigation and hertitage from Kennedy's Presidence.

See ya xo'z!


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